Helping Hand is organizing this fundraiser.
Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world. About one third of the people live in poverty.
Almost half the population is made up of children. Many live in appalling conditions. No sanitation, no clean water, no safe food, sometimes no proper roof over their heads. Through Helping Hand and our amazing sponsors, we are able to provide struggling families in the neighborhood with additional assistance on general needs, sanitation, occasional assistance in improving the living situation – allowing them to focus on other matters such as education for the children.
In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families struggle even more than before due to loss of any little income they previously had.
By donating even a small amount, you can make a significant difference in addressing some of the most basic needs in the community, such as the need for additional assistance on living situation, sanitation – more important now than ever, as well as a litany of other issues that people living in poverty struggle with on a daily basis.