
is organizing this fundraiser.

Education is a child’s best chance of escaping to a better future.

The main focus of Helping Hand Cambodia is enabling children from the slums of Phnom Penh to attend solid education via Beltei International School, allowing them to make a future for themselves.

Additionally, we provide an after school facility which most of our children attend in order to receive extra tutoring, join extracurricular activities, as well as spend time with their peers. where we also provide classrooms plus a computer room.

Learning English and Computer Skills gives these children a chance to get better paying jobs when they are growing up.

Being able to gain an education also gives these children something better to look forward to: a future that looks bright!

During COVID-19 times, our students are under extra pressure as most of the studying takes place online, providing extra challenges to those from less fortunate backgrounds. Additionally, the little income the families had before, have drastically been reduced, making the situation even more difficult. 

Additionally, we are collecting funds for some of our students who are graduating primary school and will continue in further education, which in turn will bring extra costs.
Please see the story of Srey Pheoun below.

Here is how you can help!

Srey Pheoun’s Story

This is Srey Pheoun, she is 17 years old and has just graduated from Grade 12 at Beltei International School. She would like to be a doctor; this will take eight years of study at university, and we are currently raising funds to support her. 

She lives in the poor community where Helping Hand Cambodia works. Her mother is a cleaner and her father a construction worker although due to Covid both have had their work hours, and therefore wages, reduced.

Srey Phoeun is a very clever girl who is consistent in getting top marks in her class grades every month and has the right attitude to work hard and follow, and achieve, her dream of being a doctor.


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